Anita Bacha

India my land of predilection

You enthrall my soul

A miracle, a benediction

Secret love lived and untold

Memories garnish my aging heart

As I stand on death’s threshold

A spiritual guru who guided my script art

A man who inspired the pen I hold

Land of saints, gods and statues

Disparity, fun, marvel and the unexplained

I carved an image of human values

On the whore, the poor and the betrayed

In my exquisite five stars’ hotel room

I lit an incense stick and I meditate

My life has been an exploration of the gloom

That shrouds the ignorant and the illiterate

My experience of books

Of novels and poems celebrating love

Leaves me insatiate and bleaks my looks

In pages only I find the meaning of ‘love’

Anita Bacha©


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Author: Anita Bacha

Creative and inspirational writer of stories, poetry, and haikus I am also an addictive reader of novels, poetry, haiku, and children's storybooks. I am the author of SOUL POETRY a book of inspirational poems, verses, and quotes published by Partridge India (2015) The Maker of Miracles (2006) published in the USA by Dorrance Publishing and My Journey with God (2008) published under the banner of Sai Towers, India is the narration about my spiritual journey. My new poetry book INK Echo of life and love published by Éditions de L’Ocean Indien (2019) in Mauritius, my birth country is a collection of love poems extolling the feelings and desires of women. The Princess and the Crow is my first storybook for children, released by Austin Macauley Publishers London in March 2019. Two years later, I was inspired to write and published two other books - WAKASHIO, a storybook for children, and PINK MOON - AN ANTHOLOGY OF HAIKU POEMS. I love to write. I guess my writing has a special cliché of island 🌴 life, natural, unpretentious, and full of beauty.

13 thoughts on “LAND OF PREDILECTION”

  1. Hi Anita,

    This is a very thoughtful, pensive poem.

    I enjoyed the rhyming scheme, which is almost perfect, except the non-rhyming pair “unexplained” and “betrayed” in the middle as well as the repeated “love” at the end of your poem. A very good effort indeed!

    I have never come across the word “bleak” being used as a verb. You probably meant bleach, blench, blanch, pale, whiten, wash out or the like.

    I particularly like the two following lines in the poem:

    My life has been an exploration of the gloom

    That shrouds the ignorant and the illiterate

    May you have a wonderful week!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Many thanks for stopping by Craig and most of all for reading and commenting on this post.
      Comments help me improve my writing.
      I normally make no effort to rymthe the lines. Once I am inspired to write, I jot down the lines.
      I will check out the word ‘bleak.’
      Probably I read it in a poem written by an American poet.
      Americans write poetry without rymths, you must have noticed.
      I met many American writers and poets at the Book Expo America. They write differently.
      Thank you once more Craig.
      Have a great start of the week.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. You are definitely very welcome, Anita! 🙂

        By the way, Craig and SoundEagle are two different beings.

        I (namely SoundEagle), have recently composed comments (as replies to existing comments by others) at the post entitled “Do Plants and Insects Coevolve?” You are very welcome to read and reply to some or all of the comments there.

        My poems always rhyme, and have rhythmic schemes, syllabic patterns and other numeric properties and calligraphic considerations, as well as being wedded to graphics.

        You can easily locate my poems concerning a variety of topics, which are accessible at

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Anita,
      Just to clear up any remaining confusion, I would like to confirm that I am a different person from SoundEagle. I am an old friend who has been invited to contribute to SoundEagle’s website, as I did in the plant-insect coevolution post, and hope to do in future posts. By the way, I also enjoyed your poem “Land of Predilection”.
      Best wishes

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hi Craig
        Nice to hear from you
        Thank you for liking ‘Land of Predilection.’ I visit India often.
        I love the people, the food and the country as a whole.
        My great grandparents are of Indian origin. I am born in Mauritius.
        By profession, I am a Barrister. Poetry and writing are my hobbies.
        Best wishes to you too.
        Have an awesome start of the week.

        Liked by 1 person

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