Le Visiteur

Assis sur une chaise haute,
Grand,beau et silencieux,
Il tirait sur sa derniere cigarette:

 La pandémie battait son plein,

Il est arrivé tôt ce matin-là,

Il posa sur la table un sac des ravitaillements ;

Assis sur une chaise haute,

Grand, beau et silencieux,

Il tirait sur sa dernière cigarette ;


 Elle atteignait la hauteur de son front ;

 Le contour délicat de ses yeux,

Une minuscule fossette dans le menton

Et, ses narines sensuelles la captivaient ;

 Elle chassa amèrement

L’envie folle de serrer la tête de l’homme,

Contre son sein ,

De couvrir son visage basané des baisers ;

Elle aussi avait fait la guerre,

Mais la guerre de la vie ;


Elle chercha longtemps dans son regard,

Un signe,

Une suspicion d’amour,

Rien, un vide,

Autrefois, il a connu l’amour,

L’amour qui trahit et qui fait mal,

L’amour qui tue,

Et il mourrait doucement ;

Elle mourrait aussi à force de l’aimer,

Incapable de déclarer son amour

A un homme sans âme.

Anita Bacha

Photo by Thau00eds Silva on Pexels.com

Author: Anita Bacha

Creative and inspirational writer of stories, poetry, and haikus I am also an addictive reader of novels, poetry, haiku, and children's storybooks. I am the author of SOUL POETRY a book of inspirational poems, verses, and quotes published by Partridge India (2015) The Maker of Miracles (2006) published in the USA by Dorrance Publishing and My Journey with God (2008) published under the banner of Sai Towers, India is the narration about my spiritual journey. My new poetry book INK Echo of life and love published by Éditions de L’Ocean Indien (2019) in Mauritius, my birth country is a collection of love poems extolling the feelings and desires of women. The Princess and the Crow is my first storybook for children, released by Austin Macauley Publishers London in March 2019. Two years later, I was inspired to write and published two other books - WAKASHIO, a storybook for children, and PINK MOON - AN ANTHOLOGY OF HAIKU POEMS. I love to write. I guess my writing has a special cliché of island 🌴 life, natural, unpretentious, and full of beauty.

3 thoughts on “Le Visiteur”

    1. I write and I speak both English and French; nowadays I am translating my English poetry in French and consequently, this is one of my favorite which I am sharing.
      The title ‘The visitor’ may appear ambiguous, I agree. I have in mind the visiting partner , a man who has one or two or more bed partners and he visits them every end of the month with a bag of food.
      I came across this character when I was working in the domain of Intercountry Adoption.


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