Rainbow Butterfly – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

bright morning sunlight
awakens in a shudder
rainbow butterfly

Anita Bacha

My dear haiku friends , I have recently joined a haiku group, ‘ The Daily Haiku’ on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The moderators come up with a prompt word every day plus one extra on weekends. Haikuists are invited to submit their poems to the group for likes and comments by the group members. It’s real fun. An addicted haiku lover , I can’t resist the temptation of contributing to the groups, bearing in mind my doctor’s advice to avoid the internet coz of my aging eyes. O la la!

I have edited my original haiku poem’ sleeping butterfly’

Sleeping Butterfly – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

To contribute to The Daily Haiku with a 5/75 poem using the prompt word ‘rainbow’.

The rainbow butterfly’s symbolism carries a deep spiritual meaning representing hope, happiness, renewal and the promise of better things to come.

Happy start of the month of October, my dear friends.

Anita Bacha

Rainbow butterfly. Image source internet. Haïku cc Anita Bacha
Sleeping butterfly. Image source internet. Haïku cc . Anita Bacha https://anitabacha.blog/2023/02/08/sleeping-butterfly-haiku-a-poem-by-anita-bacha/