Vanilla Ice cream Landscape – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

snowing the whole night 

vanilla ice cream landscape 

in morning twilight 

Anita Bacha 

Good morning, my dear friends 

Thank you for your visit 

Image source internet; haïku cc.Anita Bacha 2023.

Morning Twilight – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

morning twilight 

soft waves breaking 

on the coastline 

~anita bacha ~

Image source internet. Haïku cc Anita Bacha 2023.

Silence of twilight – A haiku poem by Anita Bacha

Silence of twilight 

Sun breaks in the morning sky 

Yawns to stay awake

Anita Bacha

Good morning, my dear friends

Thank you for dropping in

My picture clicked at Centro Storico ,Florence,Italy. cc.2022

Autumnal Twilight -A haiku poem by Anita Bacha

Autumnal twilight 

Hinged by stupendous beauty 

Like a bird in the sky

Anita Bacha

Thank you for your visit, my dear friends. I hope you are enjoying my Autumn haiku poems. I seize the opportunity to thank the Japan Society London for selecting and featuring my haiku MID OCTOBER in their week 40 issue.

Congrats to all the other featured poets.

Haiku ccAnita Bacha 2022 . Picture source internet.