Obon Festival -Haiku- A Poem by Anita Bacha

Obon Festival 

The light of an old lantern 

Dispels the shadows 

– Anita Bacha –

Many thanks and heartfelt gratitude to Japan Haiku Society for featuring my haiku ‘Obon Festival’ as Haiku of the Week (Week 33).

Congratulations to all the other selected poets.


Sharing a few other haiku, thank you for your visit, my dear friends.

Image source internet; haïku cc Anita Bacha.
Image source internet;Haïku cc Anita Bacha.
Image source internet; haïku cc Anita Bacha.

Blizzard is blowing – Haiku by Anita Bacha

Let me hold your hand 

Severe blizzard is blowing 

Let me take you home 

Anita Bacha 

Thank you for your visit my dear friends 

Happy Holidays

Image source internet. Haïku cc Anita Bacha 2022